Geometric and Analytic aspects of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles

7-11 juin 2021 Strasbourg (France)


  • Daniele ALESSANDRINI  Columbia University in the City of New York
  • Olivier BIQUARD  École Normale Supérieure
  • Steven BRADLOW  University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
  • Brian COLLIERUniversity of California, Riverside
  • Laura FREDRICKSONUniversity of Oregon
  • Peter GOTHENUniversidade do Porto
  • Subhojoy GUPTAIndian Institute of Science
  • Tamás HAUSELInstitute of Science and Technology Austria
  • Victoria HOSKINSRadboud University Nijmegen
  • Adrian LANGER  University of Warsaw
  • Qiongling LIChern Institute of Mathematics
  • Marina LOGARESUniversidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Alexander THOMAS  Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
  • Jérémy TOULISSEUniversité Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • Richard WENTWORTHUniversity of Maryland, College Park
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